TitleFormatArea of InterestLanguageAudienceProviderSolution AreaDate
Kumppanitunti 2024 Syksy 27.9. - Miten datat Azureen ja AI:n käyttöön?Online Artificial Intelligence Azure Arc Microsoft Azure Finnish Technical Microsoft Infrastructure 2024-09-27
Kumppaniarkkitehtiseminaari 2024 - Hybridi 1 - Unleashing Performance and Cost Efficiency: Harnessing NetApp's Power in Azure CloudOn-Demand Microsoft Azure English Sales Technical Microsoft Infrastructure 2024-07-02
Kumppaniarkkitehtiseminaari 2024 - Hybridi 2 - Turboahdettu pilvimigraatioOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Finnish Sales Technical Microsoft Infrastructure 2024-07-02
Kumppaniarkkitehtiseminaari 2024 - Hybridi 3 - Microsoft Entra ID: Moderni identiteetin elinkaaren- ja pääsyn hallintaOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Security Finnish Technical Microsoft Infrastructure 2024-07-02
Kumppaniarkkitehtiseminaari 2024 - Hybridi 4 - Pilven AI-sovellukset ja infra – Miten ne suojataan ja miksi suojaaminen on tärkeää?On-Demand Microsoft Azure Security Artificial Intelligence Finnish Technical Microsoft Infrastructure 2024-07-02
Kumppanitunti 2024 Kevät 26.4. - Azure ja VMware: miten yhdistät parhaat komponentit infrapalveluissa?On-Demand Azure Arc Azure Stack Cloud Native Apps With AI- Kubernetes- Cosmos DB/PostgreSQL Finnish Sales Technical Microsoft Infrastructure 2024-04-26
Manage, control, and secure SQL databases with Azure Arc-enabled SQL on premises or in the cloudOn-Demand Azure Arc SQL Server English Sales Microsoft Infrastructure 2024-04-17
Azure Options for VMware WorkloadsOn-Demand Microsoft Azure English Sales Microsoft Infrastructure 2024-03-27
Kumppanitunti 2024 Kevät 19.1. - Azure Infra ja Azure CopilotOn-Demand Artificial Intelligence Cloud Native Apps With AI- Kubernetes- Cosmos DB/PostgreSQL Finnish Sales Technical Microsoft Infrastructure 2024-01-19
Windows Server and SQL Server workloads on Azure IaaSOn-Demand SQL Server English Technical Microsoft Infrastructure 2023-11-15
Kumppanitunti 2023 Syksy 29.9. - Windows Server 2012 / R2 ja SQL 2012 Extended Security Updates ja Azure ARCOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Finnish Sales Technical Microsoft Infrastructure 2023-09-29
Accelerate innovation with DevOps and GitHub - Best PracticesOn-Demand DevOps Github English Technical Sales Microsoft Infrastructure 2023-08-30
Kumppanitunti 2023 - Azure Infrastructure - Viime aikojen uudistuksia infraan liittyenOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Finnish Technical Microsoft Infrastructure 2023-03-10
Kumppanitunti - Katsaus Kumppaniarkkitehtiseminaarin (22.11.) tärkeimpiin aiheisiinOn-Demand Cross Solution Finnish Technical Microsoft Infrastructure 2022-11-25
02.09. Mitä uutta Azuressa ja MCPP-kumppaniohjelma?On-Demand Azure Stack Finnish Technical Microsoft Infrastructure 2022-09-02
Kumppanitunti - AlwaysOn - Kriittisten sovellusten suunnittelu AzuressaOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Finnish Technical Microsoft Infrastructure 2022-04-25
3.6.2022 Kumppanitunti - Azuresta löytyvät suojausteknologiatOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Finnish Technical Microsoft Infrastructure 2022-04-25
Data Center - Control and optimize your Azure costOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics English Sales Technical Microsoft Infrastructure 2021-03-29
Data Center - Migration in actionOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics English Sales Technical Microsoft Infrastructure 2021-03-01
Azure ajankohtaiset asiat - Mistä asiakkaiden kanssa keskustellaan ja miten kauppoja voi vauhdittaaOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Finnish Sales Microsoft Infrastructure 2021-02-16
Quoting Azure IaaS projects – From Zero to Hero - Second SessionOn-Demand Analytics Artificial Intelligence Azure Stack English Sales Microsoft Infrastructure
Cloud Adoption FrameworkOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics English Sales Microsoft Infrastructure
Cloud Adoption Framework- Strategy Plan Ready WorkshopOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics English Technical Microsoft Infrastructure
Cloud Adoption Framework- Governance WorkshopOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics English Sales Technical Microsoft Infrastructure
Cloud Adoption Framework Learning PathLearning Path Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics English Sales Technical Microsoft Infrastructure
Selling Azure to the Business Decision MakersLearning Path Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics English Sales Microsoft Infrastructure
The new way of selling Azure MigrateOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics English Sales Microsoft Infrastructure
The Cloud JourneyOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics English Sales Microsoft Infrastructure
Azure VMware Solution: the Hybrid Cloud Journey for every VMware workloadOn-Demand Microsoft Azure English Sales Technical Microsoft Infrastructure
Windows Virtual Desktop - Advanced Deployment - Part 1On-Demand Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) English Technical Microsoft Infrastructure
Windows Virtual Desktop - Advanced Deployment - Part 2On-Demand Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) English Technical Microsoft Infrastructure
Windows Virtual Desktop - Advanced Deployment - Part 3On-Demand Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) English Technical Microsoft Infrastructure
Windows Virtual Desktop Deployment Learning PathLearning Path Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) English Technical Microsoft Infrastructure
Microsoft KUMPPANITUNTI: Well Architected FrameworkOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Finnish Sales Technical Microsoft Infrastructure
v-DaaS - Virtual Desktop as a ServiceLearning Path Microsoft Azure Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) English Sales Technical Microsoft Infrastructure
What's New on AzureOn-Demand Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) English Sales Technical Microsoft Infrastructure
Accelerate and Scale Azure & WVD with VMwareOn-Demand Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) English Sales Microsoft Infrastructure
Accelerate WVD with ISV Solutions - EzeepOn-Demand Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) English Sales Technical Microsoft Infrastructure
MSIX App AttachOn-Demand Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) English Sales Technical Microsoft Infrastructure
Portfolio assessment & Optimization – Alinea PartnersLearning Path Azure Arc Azure Stack Microsoft Azure English Sales Microsoft Infrastructure
Portfolio Assessment & Optimization – Alinea Partners Module 1: Introduction, The Azure Portfolio JourneyOn-Demand Azure Arc Azure Stack Microsoft Azure English Sales Microsoft Infrastructure
Portfolio Assessment & Optimization – Alinea Partners Module 2: The Importance of a Strong PortfolioOn-Demand Azure Arc Azure Stack Microsoft Azure English Sales Microsoft Infrastructure
Portfolio Assessment & Optimization – Alinea Partners Module 4: Implementing your Portfolio StrategyOn-Demand Azure Arc Azure Stack Microsoft Azure English Sales Microsoft Infrastructure
Portfolio Assessment & Optimization – Alinea Partners Module 3: Create a Winning PortfolioOn-Demand Azure Arc Azure Stack Microsoft Azure English Sales Microsoft Infrastructure
Microsoft Surface Sales & Marketing resources - Surface Holiday ProductsLearning Path Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics English Sales Microsoft Infrastructure
Microsoft Surface Sales & Marketing resources - Hybrid WorkplaceLearning Path Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics English Sales Microsoft Infrastructure
Microsoft Surface Sales & Marketing resources - Modernize EndpointsLearning Path Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics English Sales Microsoft Infrastructure
HOSTERS BOOTCAMPLearning Path Microsoft Azure English Sales Microsoft Infrastructure
Kumppaniarkkitehtiseminaari 2022 - Azure Infrastructure - Mitä uutta Azure Infra - ratkaisualueessa?On-Demand Microsoft Azure Finnish Technical Microsoft Infrastructure
Kumppaniarkkitehtiseminaari 2022 - Azure Infrastructure - Azuren migraatioratkaisut ja Solutions Assesment - ohjelmaOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Finnish Technical Microsoft Infrastructure
Kumppaniarkkitehtiseminaari 2022 - Azure Infrastructure - Azuren hybridiratkaisutOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Finnish Technical Microsoft Infrastructure
Kumppaniarkkitehtiseminaari 2022 - Azure Infrastructure - Azuren valvontaratkaisutOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Finnish Technical Microsoft Infrastructure
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