Do you have a Microsoft Action Pack Subscription and are interested in a Tele-assisted program through which you can engage with a Microsoft Specialist over a period of time?
Microsoft Partner Tele Support Program
Please sign up for the Microsoft Cloud Enablement Desk, a proactive program designed to accelerate partner cloud business by assisting with advanced skilling, go-to-market activities and co-sell onboarding.
Limited capacity: do not miss this opportunity and register now!
Watch this 7-minute video explaining the program!
Customer Service and Support tech presales and deployment support 1:many Partner technical consultants led webinars 1:1 Partner technical consultants led technical enablement Technical journeys Competencies
Smart Partner Marketing Solution in Marketplace Go to Market desk V-Partner Marketing Advisor engagement Dev chat Marketplace Consultation
Referrals Engine Gold Competency Solution in One Commercial Partner Catalog Partner to Partner 3rd Party Offer Co-Sell